Our Contacts


Via G. B. Spagnoli 6/8
Mantova, MN 46100

Open: from 12:30 to 15:00 and from 19:30 to 23:00

Takeaway: from12:00 to 14:00 and from 19:00 to 21:00

Tuesday closed for midweek rest

Phone Number & Email
+ 39 0376 366224



D.lgs.n.193/2007 - HACCP protocol mandatory in Italy for all establishments authorized to administer food and beverages. The law does not allow restaurateurs to serve food/drinks that they do not know where they do not know. Customers may not bring cakes or other food of dubious origin and offer it to guests, even if consenting.

P.IVA 0247 6560202 | Numero REA MN-256126 | PEC: leonardosrl2015@legalmail.it

Leonardo s.r.l. | Via G. B. Spagnoli 6/8 | 46100 Mantova | Italia